Monday, August 28, 2006

Interesting Weekend

It was kind of an interesting weekend.

Friday night we went out with a few couples we know to the Italian American club. One of our friends is a member. I was having flashbacks from living on the east coast. Our new friends were origionally from Statan Island, NY. It sounded like most of the people there were east coast transplants. It is like listening to a scene right out of the Sopranos. The accents are all the same, and everyones last name ends in a vowel...

I had a very strange dream on Friday night. I was in the house that we lived in on the east coast before we moved to the southwest. I said to my wife "doesn't the house seem a little tilted to the right?" "No more than usual." she replied. It was really sloping down to the right. All of a sudden, the right side came down with a crash. and the house began to slide forward off the foundation. It slid forward downhill, and then came to a forward stop and started sliding sideways to the right. After what seemed like a long time, the house came to an abrupt halt. The house was intact, but at the bottom of a large hill. I have never lived on a hill..... The press started to show up and cover this story. I remember thinking "what the hell is going on here?" Where are we going to live? I awoke with a very anxious feeling. A very strange dream....

Saturday morning the oldest daughter and I headed down to the Yoga studio for our class. When we arrived, we were greeted at the door and told that a pipe had burst, and the studio had some flooding. We moved the class to another studio about 15 min away. We practiced in a small, closet like room with a rough concrete floor and unfinished sheetrock walls. It was a tight fit, but all 18 of squeezed in the room. There was no door on the room, only a curtain. We were all flexible however, (no pun intended) and practice progressed nicely.

Saturday afternoon we relaxed except for an hour of practicing Volleyball with my older daughter. She has try-outs for her school team this afternoon. We practiced more on Sunday.

Sunday, we slept in until after 9am. That is very unusual for us. It was a fun day. We played some volleybal in the morning at a nearby park. Arriving home, we went swimming in the pool. (Finally cleaned up all the algae that had invaded my pool) Watched some awesome Golf on TV. Tiger Woods is awesome, and won another tournament in extra holes....

At 6pm I substitute taught a Deep Stretch yoga class. It was a good class. There were about 30 students in the class. Everything was perfect. The energy was great, the music was perfect. Everything was awesome. I love to share the quote that I modified from the B-tribe CD. It goes as follows:
I believe that there is a place within us all.
A place of clarity and vision in which the rhythm of life is in harmony with a higher consciousness.
I believe that Yoga can take us there.

I finished the class, spoke with a few students, and headed home feeling wonderful about the class.

This morning was mysore practice. There was only a small group this morning. Mr. India and his wife were there when we arrived. Later, Donutszenmom, the other Dave, and NY girl came in to practice. My practice this morning was challenging. My back was tight, my left hamstring was really tight and inflexible, my shoulders were like stone, and my energy level was low. I worked through all of that though, and remained unattached to the outcome of the Asana. Maybe all the Volleyball practice was to blame for some of my tightness.

I have an interview for a Yoga teaching job later this morning. I hope that it goes well. I need to teach a few more classes..........I will keep you posted....

Friday, August 25, 2006

On A Yoga Bender

Wow! Had some serious issues yesterday.

It was a stormy morning. Flooding, Thunderstorms, the whole monsoon. At first, I was considering not doing any Yoga until afternoon Ashtanga. But I dragged myself out to the noon power class with V. It was an awesome class. There was a section of one legged balancing poses that was super challanging. It struck me that when V. called for everyone to kick up into handstand, there were about half the class holding handstand. In most classes, I am either the only one holding handstand, or there are one or two others who are attempting it. This class had some serious Yoginis in it. I knew some of them as other teachers.

After the class, I felt great, and then something just snapped. I set my mind on taking Ashtanga at 4pm and another power class with I. at 6pm. Quite an undertaking, to say the least. I picked up the kids from school, and we went straight to Ashtanga. First series was good. I felt bend
y and twisty from the earlier power class, and breezed through the class in kind of an altered state of consciousness. I remember focussing on my breathing and bundhas for most of the practice. While everyone was in savasana, the oldest daughter did a wonderful job chanting the first 30 of Patanjalis Yoga Sutras. Pride is not the right feeling. I would say that I was happy for her.....

Then a 20min race across town to the other affiliated studio where I changed clothes and mats, and prepared for another power class. I felt great. I had hydrated on the way, and took some B12. As the practice came to a close, I did notice that my hamstrings, back and shoulders were starting to feel a little sore. On the drive home, I felt very calm and relaxed. I think that Something inside of my knew that I needed to clear some issues, so I should do all this Yoga. I arrived home, ate a light dinner, spent some family time, took a shower and was in bed exhausted. My body was pushed hard and it needed rest.

I gave it a few hours, but 4:45am came around early, and up for mysore practice I got. The older daughter and I did first series. I was careful with my hamstrings. I viewed the practice from a restorative perspective, and knew that I would have all the rest of today to relax before tomorrow mornings practice at 10am.

Traditionally, I think that you are only supposed to do one Ashtanga practice a day. That is it. I do find it helpful to do second series in the morning, and then first series in the afternoon. My body is so much more flexible and bendable in the afternoon.

On a seperate note. Due to all the rain, our pool hasd become a breeding ground for algea and has turned green. I will have to tend to that situation today so that we can swim over the weekend.

Have to stop at the library as well to pick up a book I reserved. The British Director suggested that I read it. It is The Tao of Physics. Will let you know what I think after I read it....

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Monsoon season coming to an end here. Beautiful fluffy clouds, and rainbows come with the rains and thunder. It has been a pretty wet year for the desert. Everything is green ( for the desert that is ) there is nothing like the smell of the creosote bushes right before the rain starts.

Took 2 Yoga classes yesterday. Power at noon with V. A very crowded and sweaty class that attracts many other Yoga teachers and advanced practitioners. At 4pmtook led first series Ashtanga class. Felt great to do ashtanga after the power as a warm up..

Mysore this morning with the older daughter. Second series ashtanga. The usual suspects were there, the British Director, Crim Girl, Donutszenmom, Sanskrit Scholar, the other Dave, & NY Girl. There was also a "Tourist" there. It was easy to tell that he was a total newbie to Yoga. It seems like such a long time ago when I took my first class. I still remember how tight my hips and handstrings were. They are still tight, but nothing like they were back then. I remember not being able to get into lotus, or not being able to bind in marichasana A (pretty pathetic.) Progress is slow, but it does happen. My back is a little tight right now after doing second series. I think that a hot bath is in order after I finish blogging here.

Been doing quite a bit of thinking about my ex- girlfriend back in NJ. Every now and then I wonder what might have been if I had gone in that direction instead of the one I went. No regrets, just a few of the "what ifs". I know that this kind of thinking is not very Zen as it keeps me from living mindfully in the present moment, but I allow myself these few daliances now and then. I try to never let my energy be dragged down by these kind of issues. I am sure that the universe has unfolded as it was meant to. I always believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Good things and bad, especially bad. We seldom see the reason at the time these things happen, but occationally, we get a glimpse of the big plan in retrospect.

Lots of chores around the house to get done today. Have to get started..............

Monday, August 21, 2006

Sunset Pics.

Is it really the end of August already???

Where does the time go????
Spent Sat. & most of yesterday in Tucson visiting my Aunt & Uncle. It was very relaxing, and they are excellent hosts. They are getting up into their 70's, but remain amazingly active. They are always traveling somewhere in or out of the country.

The oldest daughter and I went to our second series Ashtanga Yoga workshop on Sat. I was suprised by the low number of people who turned out. There were only 12 people including us. It was very informative, and the daughter and I got to demonstrate quite a few poses. I wish that I had not been asked to demonstrate my Yoganidrasana. It is really "weak", primarily becase I can't quite get my feet behind my head yet. I was pleased to demonstrate unassisted tic tacs. (Always a crowd pleaser) . The people at the shala were friendly and pleasant. I enjoyed our time there.

We drove back yesterday afternoon, after I was sure that Tiger Woods had an insurmountable lead in the PGA Championship. We arrived home at 4:30pmish. Turned my phone on to find that my friend the Redheaded Yogini had called to se
e if I could cover a class for her at 5:30pm. I Tried to call her, but no answer. I headed down to the Studio to see if she still needed a sub, or had already found one. When I arrived, I found that she had already found one. So I took the class. It was supposed to be Deep Stretch -Meditation, but it ended up being more like restorative relaxation. It is all good though, and the relaxation was very calming. I kept thinking to myself, "these 15 students don't know how lucky they are. If I were teaching this class there would be much more stretching, and stricter meditation". It all serves, as my friend the flower lady would say.

Upon my drive home I was struck by the beauty of the clouds on the mountains as the sun was setting. I cultivated an immediate appreciation for everything around me, and the clouds beauty in particular. I was grateful to be alive and healthy, and to live in the abundance that I do, in the place that I do.. I had the camera in the car, so I stopped and shot these pics......(trouble loading pics, will post them seperately)

This morning was Mysore practice. I went Alone this morning. The oldest daughter wanted time to primp befor the first day of school. I was there pretty early. donutszenmom came in after and put her mat down to the right side of mine.I noticed that Volleyball Guy was occupied with another mysorian when she was ready for supta kurmasana. Being the "Helper" that I am, I assisted her into the pose. She really did not need much assistance. She is very Flexi. I recieved some good adjustments today. One from sanskrit scholar (supta kurmasana), and one from , donutszenmom does not have a name for her yet , in marichasana c. My shoulders have been sore lately. I attribute it to my hard work on prasarita podottanasana c, and supta kurmasana. I am missing Returning Guy at our morning practices. He is like the rock that anchors the practice. He is always the first one there at 5:15am. I hope that he returns soon......

More later...............

Friday, August 18, 2006

Yoga Practice

Yoga practice last night was power. A substitute teacher. Someone I went through teacher training with. A good class, not great.

Wife made her sales goal at work, so to celebrate had some coworkers over last night to BBQ, have a few beers and float in the pool. Came home from Yoga into the middle of it. Relaxed in the pool. Everyone was gone by ten.

Yoga, Mysore practice this morning was good. Atypically, donutszenmom chanted the Vande with my daughter and I. We arrived at the same time, but I don't think that I have ever heard her chant the Vande at Mysore practice by herself, let alone with anyone else. It was really nice to hear her add her energy to ours. There was a "tourist " there this morning. A "tourist" is someone who is not a regular, and we haven't seen b4, and probably will not see again. They usually do not know the order of the Asana (poses), and sometimes just flounder either doing their own thing, or trying to follow along with someone else. Too many "tourists at a practice can be distracting. This one however was ok. She was just on her mat doing her own thing and trying to follow along.

Other than her, It was a regular crowd with the addition of one guy who is a usual Saturday morning practitioner, and Mr. Indias wife who I have never seen practice B4. I was practicing next to her, and at first did not recognize her. We met at the British Directors dinner party last Sat. evening. Practice was smooth and open, and Breathing and bandha were as engaged as usual.

Tomorrow we, as a family, are going to Tucson to visit relatives there in the Catalina foothills. We, daughter & I, are also taking a second series seminar with Volleyball Guy, our regular instructor. We will stay over on Sat. night, and return home on Sunday. Looking 4ward to it.

I have borrowed the nicknames used above from the blog by donutszenmom. If she finds out, I hope that she does not mind. I am new to this blogging thing, and hope that it is not "BAD FORM".

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Kids Back to School

Kid go back to school on this coming Monday.... Enjoyed spending the summer with them, but it will be good to have them back at school. They are really good kids. ( a testament to effective parenting) Time for me to go and scare up some freelance work, or maybe even a job....

Money is not the most important thing in the world. I always like to think that Money is like the air that you breathe. As long as you have enough to keep you alive, it is never an issue. If you start to run short of it, it can pose some very major problems.....Having an excess of money is not inherently a problem (similar to air). It is in the way you relate to money. Greed may be bad. Maybe not on second thought, as long as no one is getting hurt along the way. There is a universal precept that if you give with no expectaion of gain, then you will recieve back many fold...... This relates to religion in the way of tithing in christianity, and Karma in cetain eastern religions. In my life I have had many experiences where it seemed that when I needed money for some reason, the universe provided it in some way..... I do not mean some hokey materializing money. I mean, I landed a job I was bidding on, or was offered work, or got a refund check in the mail, or won gambling. In some way, the money that I needed came to me.

I think that part of our outlook on life depends on whether you view the world from the standpoint of Scarecity or Abundance. Those who live from abundance give feely because they know that there will always be more when they need it. I often see these kinds of people on that home makeover show on ABC. These are people who lose their homes, or suffer some great tragedy, but still give whatever they have to others. In their cases, they are suprised with a brand new beautiful home..... Those who live from Scarecity are hoarders. they fear that there is some finite amount of things, and they need to get their share before someone else does. Scrooge in a Chrismas Carol is the epitome of this person..... In the end though, he learns to live an abundant life, and in doing so relizes the true joy of living........

I think that one of the most powerful tools that we can cultivate in our lives is Appreciation.
Appreciation for the things that we have, and for the things that we do not have. appreciation for the trials in our life, and the people in our life.

I have heard Love been described as the ultimate form of appreciation projected upon a person or object......

I love the line in the Sheryl Crow song that says "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got" That about says it all.

You need to appreciate who and where you are at this
moment in this existance.

More Is Not Enough

The Stone Cutter

There was once a stone cutter who was dissatisfied with himself and with his position in life.

One day he passed a wealthy merchant's house. Through the open gateway, he saw many fine possessions and important visitors. "How powerful that merchant must be!" thought the stone cutter. He became very envious and wished that he could be like the merchant.

To his great surprise, he suddenly became the merchant, enjoying more luxuries and power than he had ever imagined, but envied and detested by those less wealthy than himself. Soon a high official passed by, carried in a sedan chair, accompanied by attendants and escorted by soldiers beating gongs. Everyone, no matter how wealthy, had to bow low before the procession. "How powerful that official is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be a high official!"

Then he became the high official, carried everywhere in his embroidered sedan chair, feared and hated by the people all around. It was a hot summer day, so the official felt very uncomfortable in the sticky sedan chair. He looked up at the sun. It shone proudly in the sky, unaffected by his presence. "How powerful the sun is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be the sun!"

Then he became the sun, shining fiercely down on everyone, scorching the fields, cursed by the farmers and laborers. But a huge black cloud moved between him and the earth, so that his light could no longer shine on everything below. "How powerful that storm cloud is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be a cloud!"

Then he became the cloud, flooding the fields and villages, shouted at by everyone. But soon he found that he was being pushed away by some great force, and realized that it was the wind. "How powerful it is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be the wind!"

Then he became the wind, blowing tiles off the roofs of houses, uprooting trees, feared and hated by all below him. But after a while, he ran up against something that would not move, no matter how forcefully he blew against it - a huge, towering rock. "How powerful that rock is!" he thought. "I wish that I could be a rock!"

Then he became the rock, more powerful than anything else on earth. But as he stood there, he heard the sound of a hammer pounding a chisel into the hard surface, and felt himself being changed. "What could be more powerful than I, the rock?" he thought.

He looked down and saw far below him the figure of a stone cutter.

Taken from the Zen Stories website


Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Sex, Yoga, and Rock and Roll

Sex, Yoga, and Rock and Roll.
These three things seem like a healthy foundation for a fulfilling life. In younger day ( much younger) I may have stuck with the traditional "Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll." Now I am more comfortable with repalcing Drugs with Yoga. I find that Yoga gives you the healthy "feel good" that you need without the cost of Drugs, or the potentially harmful side effects.

Yoga can definately be as addictive as some drugs though. Take me, for instance. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I wake up at 5am, get my older daughter up, and drive 15 min. to where we do an Ashtanga Yoga Mysore practice from 5:30am - 7:30am. Monday and Friday, First series (Yoga Chakitsa), and Wednesday, Second series ( Nadi Shodhana). Monday thru Wednesday, we also go to a led First series Ashtanga Class from 4pm - 5:30pm. Thursday evening, we take a Power Yoga class from 6pm -7:20pm. Saturday, we take a led First series Ashtanga class from 10am-12pm. Some weeks, we take a few more classes, maybe Deep Stretch, or Yin, or another Power class. It just depends. What Yoga does for me personally, is bring balance into my life. Yoga has a physical Component (Asana), as well as a Psych-spiritual component (Pranayama- Breathe Control & Pratyahara- Sense withdrawl) Both of these in conjunction with my meditation practice keep me balanced and grounded, and enable me to remain calm and contemplative in most any situatuation. It is an awesome practice, and I highly recommend it..............

Back to the SEX part. What can I say, sex is awesome. I used to think that everyone had sex at least once a day. I thought that was normal. As my wife and I got older, 30's, and started talking with some of our married friends, they were saying that they were lucky if they were getting it on once a week....... Very sad.. We skip a day here and there, but stil try an have sex at least once a day. Why wouldn't you want to do something that feels so good as often as possible. More on Sex later

Rock and Roll........................
What can I say. It just is.............................and continues to be........................
and to evolve, and to be awesome and inspiring.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Blue is a Cool color.....
Funny how fast life seems to travel by. I like to measure time by the use of my daughters. Watching children grow is a truly amazing gift. As we get older, I think that we get into our routines and set in our ways, and change comes slowly and with much more difficulty. Children on the other hand are always exploring and developing and changing. They are fearless, and left in the right environment, with the right nurturing mature into amazing people.

-----------------------TOTALLY NEW THOUGHT---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I sometimes get the feeling that in our "fast food", instant gratifacation, Starbucks society, that we are in such a rush to work harder at careers ,that we hate, just to obtain more $$ so that we can buy more things that we think will make us happy. Bigger SUV's, Bigger houses, Clothing with the "right" labels on them, in a word, the worship of our national religion, MATERIALISM. We worship the almighty dollar. (excuse the rambling "Run-on" sentence) On the pulpit sits the media. Preaching to the masses the "Good Word" that $$$$$$$ can buy you happiness. Look how happy all the people are in the commercials. Look how Sexy they are. If you buy that brand of automobile, you can have a sexy young girl riding with you. It is no wonder that as we send our media and corporate missionaries of this "Religion" , to other countries, McDonalds, KFC, Walmart, Baywatch. etc. that countries with their own existing forms of Religious beliefs balk at it. When the first Christian Missionaries went into the jungles and unexpored territories, they were frequently killed because they threatened existing revered beliefs. They threatened the status quoe that formed the fabric of their societies. Fortunately over time, and with the aid of devastating Disease and superior Military might, EVERY ONE was eventually converted.
Fast forward...... Does this sound familiar.

The only thing that has changed is the Religion. Instead of the proceeds heading to Rome, now they head to the good old USA.

Land of the illusion of Freedom and the home of Military Supiriority.

Please don't get me wrong, I love this country. I love the people, I think it is the greatest country in the world. I appreciate the ability to have freedoms that are not available in other countries.

I do not delude myself into believing that I am free though.

I am free to pay my taxes to the governmet, even though I don't agree with the way the government spends the $$. I am free to live in my house, on my property. As long as I pay my property taxes. Otherwise the government will sieze my house and remove me from "MY Property" (?) . In the case of "Imminent Domain", the government my just decide that they have a better use for "MY Property". one that may generate higher tax ratables, or be in the publics best interest. (like an Ace Hardware).

I am free to Vote for elected officials, even though most of them are "in the pocket" of corporate interests. I can vote for the President even though the Electoral College makes the real decision. (Ask Al Gore)

I feel more free just writing about it... I hope that the government is not going to read this, and then place a wiretap (illegally), on my phone, because ooops, there goes my Freedom of Privacy......

I am not angry, really, I'm Ok. More later. Have to go. I think that is the FBI knocking on my door..................

Monday, August 14, 2006

I seriously doubt whether anyone will find this rambling of any value whatsoever, but I believe that I am writing as much for me as I am for everyone in cyberspace. I am a little leary about what I write here. God forbid I get too personal, and reveal too many of my deep dark secrets to the world. I usally keep a journal for that. It is my eventual hope that this will replace that journalling.

First of all...... Why "Renaissance Man" ?

A little about me, and you decide.....

Born on the North East Coast of the US.

Raised in an upper middle class divorced family.

Mother was strict Roman Catholic
Father was Agnostic
Step Mother was Jewish

Have 2 siblings, a sister 2yrs younger, and a brother 8 years younger
and a step sister 6 years younger and a step brother 8 years younger.

Had a troubled childhood. (Who Doesn't)

Was an average student. Popular in school. (Student Council, Sports etc.)

Smoke some pot, Play the guitar............ Hang out with my friends. The 80's thing to do.....

Out of High School Joined the United States Marine Corp.

4 Years in the Marines.
Bootcamp at Parris Island
Infantry Training at Camp Pendleton
Stationed at Kaneohe Bay MCAS Oahu Hawaii ( Not too Bad)
2 Westpac cruises in the West Pacific and Indian Ocean ( Get to visit Hong Kong, Philipines, Australia, Okinowa, Somalia, Kenya, etc.)

Out of the Marines, go to College

Get involved in Martial arts training

Work in a flower shop part time as a delivery guy.

Psych Major. Get a evening job at a Psychiatric Hospital working with dually diagnosed young adults. (Psychatric diagnosis along with a substance abuse issues)

Simultaneously worked in Financial services industry.

Study Work, Study Work, Study Work...Work Work.......Little Sleep
Very Little..................................

Learn Floral Design, and find that I have a real creative knack for it.

Meet the Love of my life in Honor Sociology. I get an A, She gets a C, But she gets me.......
She is 19, and I am 22 ( Perfect)

She is Blonde, with an awesome Body, smart, driven, and a great sense of humor.
(Now Married 13yrs.......)

Date date date......... Live together................get a dog.........................

Decide to get married.................

Have no real $$$$$$$$, but buy a hundred yr old starter house. 2 Bedroom 1 bath in good area. Closing day, we take sledge hammers to the walls, and plaster and lathe flies everywhere. Not a construction guy, so this is a big step. 2 months later, and with the help of many friends, downstairs is done.

Just in time for our Wedding in June..................
Nice wedding, not overly ostentatious.

I do all the flowers...........

Decide to open a flower Shop.

Open a Flower shop---- Brand new from scratch.................

partner with my Mother in Law. ( who I get along with great.....)

Work Work Work

Get heavily involved in Martial arts training. Work out 6 days a week. Start studying Jeet Kune Do philosophy. Train in Boxing, Muay Thai, Grappling, Escrima, Shoot fighting, Silat, etc. anything that our small group can find to train in. More about that later though......

Work 7 days a week trying to get the shop going.....

Join the Local Volunteer First Aid Squad and become an EMT and EMT-D. Server as President of the Organization for 2 terms.

Join the local Chamber of Commerce and serve asd Vice president for 2 years winning a service award..

Get involved in the local Republican party, eventually holding an elected position.......

Have our first daughter in 1994, and our second in 1999.

Our second daughter is born with a Bilateral Cleft lip and palette.
God Gives you what you can handle.

Run a successful business...

Begin reading books on spirituality and self help.

Getting Older, give up martial arts..............

Move to a house 4 blocks from the Beach.....

Begin Zen practice and study

Love Bodyboarding........ Have employees run the business in the summer while the kids and I go to the beach........

Take up Yoga.........................................

After being a vegetarian for about 10 years, decide to become a Vegan.
Slowly become a "psycho Vegan" ( my wife terminology)
I eat no meat or dairy. Consume no alcoholic or caffinated beverages. Limit intake of refined sugar and processed foods. I enjoy juicing, and eat tons of fruits and Veggies.......

Hate the Cold.......... A few really bad winters in the 1990's
Decide to move to the Desert..........

Decide to simplify life.

After 10 yrs, Sell the Business, Sell our house, Move to the southwest.....

Buy a nice house in a great area..........

Freelance floral design a little

Start to get hooked on Yoga. Practice every day......

Go to classes to learn to Deal BlackJack

Get a Job in a casino an hour from home dealing Blackjack

Learn to deal Texas Hold'em (Poker)

Get a job at Casino 15 min from home dealing poker making major bank......$$$$$$$$$$

Get burned out due to negative envirionment and long hours and bad shift times.

Take Yoga teacher training course.

Teach some Yoga..........

I think that that Qualifies me as a Renaissance Man.

More to come.................................