On A Yoga Bender
Wow! Had some serious issues yesterday.
It was a stormy morning. Flooding, Thunderstorms, the whole monsoon. At first, I was considering not doing any Yoga until afternoon Ashtanga. But I dragged myself out to the noon power class with V. It was an awesome class. There was a section of one legged balancing poses that was super challanging. It struck me that when V. called for everyone to kick up into handstand, there were about half the class holding handstand. In most classes, I am either the only one holding handstand, or there are one or two others who are attempting it. This class had some serious Yoginis in it. I knew some of them as other teachers.
After the class, I felt great, and then something just snapped. I set my mind on taking Ashtanga at 4pm and another power class with I. at 6pm. Quite an undertaking, to say the least. I picked up the kids from school, and we went straight to Ashtanga. First series was good. I felt bendy and twisty from the earlier power class, and breezed through the class in kind of an altered state of consciousness. I remember focussing on my breathing and bundhas for most of the practice. While everyone was in savasana, the oldest daughter did a wonderful job chanting the first 30 of Patanjalis Yoga Sutras. Pride is not the right feeling. I would say that I was happy for her.....

Then a 20min race across town to the other affiliated studio where I changed clothes and mats, and prepared for another power class. I felt great. I had hydrated on the way, and took some B12. As the practice came to a close, I did notice that my hamstrings, back and shoulders were starting to feel a little sore. On the drive home, I felt very calm and relaxed. I think that Something inside of my knew that I needed to clear some issues, so I should do all this Yoga. I arrived home, ate a light dinner, spent some family time, took a shower and was in bed exhausted. My body was pushed hard and it needed rest.
I gave it a few hours, but 4:45am came around early, and up for mysore practice I got. The older daughter and I did first series. I was careful with my hamstrings. I viewed the practice from a restorative perspective, and knew that I would have all the rest of today to relax before tomorrow mornings practice at 10am.
Traditionally, I think that you are only supposed to do one Ashtanga practice a day. That is it. I do find it helpful to do second series in the morning, and then first series in the afternoon. My body is so much more flexible and bendable in the afternoon.
On a seperate note. Due to all the rain, our pool hasd become a breeding ground for algea and has turned green. I will have to tend to that situation today so that we can swim over the weekend.
Have to stop at the library as well to pick up a book I reserved. The British Director suggested that I read it. It is The Tao of Physics. Will let you know what I think after I read it....
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