
Monsoon season coming to an end here. Beautiful fluffy clouds, and rainbows come with the rains and thunder. It has been a pretty wet year for the desert. Everything is green ( for the desert that is ) there is nothing like the smell of the creosote bushes right before the rain starts.
Took 2 Yoga classes yesterday. Power at noon with V. A very crowded and sweaty class that attracts many other Yoga teachers and advanced practitioners. At 4pmtook led first series Ashtanga class. Felt great to do ashtanga after the power as a warm up..
Mysore this morning with the older daughter. Second series ashtanga. The usual suspects were there, the British Director, Crim Girl, Donutszenmom, Sanskrit Scholar, the other Dave, & NY Girl. There was also a "Tourist" there. It was easy to tell that he was a total newbie to Yoga. It seems like such a long time ago when I took my first class. I still remember how tight my hips and handstrings were. They are still tight, but nothing like they were back then. I remember not being able to get into lotus, or not being able to bind in marichasana A (pretty pathetic.) Progress is slow, but it does happen. My back is a little tight right now after doing second series. I think that a hot bath is in order after I finish blogging here.
Been doing quite a bit of thinking about my ex- girlfriend back in NJ. Every now and then I wonder what might have been if I had gone in that direction instead of the one I went. No regrets, just a few of the "what ifs". I know that this kind of thinking is not very Zen as it keeps me from living mindfully in the present moment, but I allow myself these few daliances now and then. I try to never let my energy be dragged down by these kind of issues. I am sure that the universe has unfolded as it was meant to. I always believe that everything in life happens for a reason. Good things and bad, especially bad. We seldom see the reason at the time these things happen, but occationally, we get a glimpse of the big plan in retrospect.
Lots of chores around the house to get done today. Have to get started..............
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