Yoga Practice

Yoga practice last night was power. A substitute teacher. Someone I went through teacher training with. A good class, not great.
Wife made her sales goal at work, so to celebrate had some coworkers over last night to BBQ, have a few beers and float in the pool. Came home from Yoga into the middle of it. Relaxed in the pool. Everyone was gone by ten.
Yoga, Mysore practice this morning was good. Atypically, donutszenmom chanted the Vande with my daughter and I. We arrived at the same time, but I don't think that I have ever heard her chant the Vande at Mysore practice by herself, let alone with anyone else. It was really nice to hear her add her energy to ours. There was a "tourist " there this morning. A "tourist" is someone who is not a regular, and we haven't seen b4, and probably will not see again. They usually do not know the order of the Asana (poses), and sometimes just flounder either doing their own thing, or trying to follow along with someone else. Too many "tourists at a practice can be distracting. This one however was ok. She was just on her mat doing her own thing and trying to follow along.
Other than her, It was a regular crowd with the addition of one guy who is a usual Saturday morning practitioner, and Mr. Indias wife who I have never seen practice B4. I was practicing next to her, and at first did not recognize her. We met at the British Directors dinner party last Sat. evening. Practice was smooth and open, and Breathing and bandha were as engaged as usual.
Tomorrow we, as a family, are going to Tucson to visit relatives there in the Catalina foothills. We, daughter & I, are also taking a second series seminar with Volleyball Guy, our regular instructor. We will stay over on Sat. night, and return home on Sunday. Looking 4ward to it.
I have borrowed the nicknames used above from the blog by donutszenmom. If she finds out, I hope that she does not mind. I am new to this blogging thing, and hope that it is not "BAD FORM".
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