Blue is a Cool color.....
Funny how fast life seems to travel by. I like to measure time by the use of my daughters. Watching children grow is a truly amazing gift. As we get older, I think that we get into our routines and set in our ways, and change comes slowly and with much more difficulty. Children on the other hand are always exploring and developing and changing. They are fearless, and left in the right environment, with the right nurturing mature into amazing people.
-----------------------TOTALLY NEW THOUGHT---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I sometimes get the feeling that in our "fast food", instant gratifacation, Starbucks society, that we are in such a rush to work harder at careers ,that we hate, just to obtain more $$ so that we can buy more things that we think will make us happy. Bigger SUV's, Bigger houses, Clothing with the "right" labels on them, in a word, the worship of our national religion, MATERIALISM. We worship the almighty dollar. (excuse the rambling "Run-on" sentence) On the pulpit sits the media. Preaching to the masses the "Good Word" that $$$$$$$ can buy you happiness. Look how happy all the people are in the commercials. Look how Sexy they are. If you buy that brand of automobile, you can have a sexy young girl riding with you. It is no wonder that as we send our media and corporate missionaries of this "Religion" , to other countries, McDonalds, KFC, Walmart, Baywatch. etc. that countries with their own existing forms of Religious beliefs balk at it. When the first Christian Missionaries went into the jungles and unexpored territories, they were frequently killed because they threatened existing revered beliefs. They threatened the status quoe that formed the fabric of their societies. Fortunately over time, and with the aid of devastating Disease and superior Military might, EVERY ONE was eventually converted.
Fast forward...... Does this sound familiar.
The only thing that has changed is the Religion. Instead of the proceeds heading to Rome, now they head to the good old USA.
Land of the illusion of Freedom and the home of Military Supiriority.
Please don't get me wrong, I love this country. I love the people, I think it is the greatest country in the world. I appreciate the ability to have freedoms that are not available in other countries.
I do not delude myself into believing that I am free though.
I am free to pay my taxes to the governmet, even though I don't agree with the way the government spends the $$. I am free to live in my house, on my property. As long as I pay my property taxes. Otherwise the government will sieze my house and remove me from "MY Property" (?) . In the case of "Imminent Domain", the government my just decide that they have a better use for "MY Property". one that may generate higher tax ratables, or be in the publics best interest. (like an Ace Hardware).
I am free to Vote for elected officials, even though most of them are "in the pocket" of corporate interests. I can vote for the President even though the Electoral College makes the real decision. (Ask Al Gore)
I feel more free just writing about it... I hope that the government is not going to read this, and then place a wiretap (illegally), on my phone, because ooops, there goes my Freedom of Privacy......
I am not angry, really, I'm Ok. More later. Have to go. I think that is the FBI knocking on my door..................
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