Is it really the end of August already???
Where does the time go????
Spent Sat. & most of yesterday in Tucson visiting my Aunt & Uncle. It was very relaxing, and they are excellent hosts. They are getting up into their 70's, but remain amazingly active. They are always traveling somewhere in or out of the country.
The oldest daughter and I went to our second series Ashtanga Yoga workshop on Sat. I was suprised by the low number of people who turned out. There were only 12 people including us. It was very informative, and the daughter and I got to demonstrate quite a few poses. I wish that I had not been asked to demonstrate my Yoganidrasana. It is really "weak", primarily becase I can't quite get my feet behind my head yet. I was pleased to demonstrate unassisted tic tacs. (Always a crowd pleaser) . The people at the shala were friendly and pleasant. I enjoyed our time there.
We drove back yesterday afternoon, after I was sure that Tiger Woods had an insurmountable lead in the PGA Championship. We arrived home at 4:30pmish. Turned my phone on to find that my friend the Redheaded Yogini had called to see if I could cover a class for her at 5:30pm. I Tried to call her, but no answer. I headed down to the Studio to see if she still needed a sub, or had already found one. When I arrived, I found that she had already found one. So I took the class. It was supposed to be Deep Stretch -Meditation, but it ended up being more like restorative relaxation. It is all good though, and the relaxation was very calming. I kept thinking to myself, "these 15 students don't know how lucky they are. If I were teaching this class there would be much more stretching, and stricter meditation". It all serves, as my friend the flower lady would say.

Upon my drive home I was struck by the beauty of the clouds on the mountains as the sun was setting. I cultivated an immediate appreciation for everything around me, and the clouds beauty in particular. I was grateful to be alive and healthy, and to live in the abundance that I do, in the place that I do.. I had the camera in the car, so I stopped and shot these pics......(trouble loading pics, will post them seperately)
This morning was Mysore practice. I went Alone this morning. The oldest daughter wanted time to primp befor the first day of school. I was there pretty early. donutszenmom came in after and put her mat down to the right side of mine.I noticed that Volleyball Guy was occupied with another mysorian when she was ready for supta kurmasana. Being the "Helper" that I am, I assisted her into the pose. She really did not need much assistance. She is very Flexi. I recieved some good adjustments today. One from sanskrit scholar (supta kurmasana), and one from , donutszenmom does not have a name for her yet , in marichasana c. My shoulders have been sore lately. I attribute it to my hard work on prasarita podottanasana c, and supta kurmasana. I am missing Returning Guy at our morning practices. He is like the rock that anchors the practice. He is always the first one there at 5:15am. I hope that he returns soon......
More later...............
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