In Tune.....
Today, I feel very in tune with everything around me. I was telling my Power Yoga class at noon, that the best yoga practices are those in which you use your breath and focus to enter another state of consciousness, an altered state. . I was recanting that my best practices are those in which I can not remember any of the asanas that were done, and cannot remember any of the music that was played. I only breathed, and existed in my space at that time, and let go of my physical reality. I know that that may sound really deep to anyone who has not yet experienced it, but once you have experience it, you will remember it. if you practice yoga long enough, it will be a frequent occurrence. My noon class was awesome, thanks for asking. Lots of arm balances, core work, back bending, etc.. I always feel great after a back opening practice. Today's included ushtrasana, laghu vajrasana, kapotasana, and urdhva danhurasana. I talked about meta cognition during shavasana, and encouraged an introspective awareness of the process of thinking and from where it arises.
I have just started a new book, and I like the path that it is taking me down. It is called Yoga and the Quest for the True Self. Within some of the fluff of the story, I am gleaning a great deal of wisdom, and am finding new ways to express wisdom that I am already familiar with......As a teacher, expressing ideas, especially ones that are esoteric is so important. Language can be so insufficient when relaying experiential information. Any help that I can borrow is always welcome.....I am looking forward to my 4:30pm flow class. It is one of my favorite classes (No attachment, of course.) It has a great group of practitioners who bring positive energy to the space.....
I had a flash of intuition last night that I need to finish my Yoga room. That means tearing up the carpet and putting down a hardwood floor, adding a ceiling fan, and I envisioned a bookshelf with book on a few shelves, and a few statues of Hindu Deities on other shelves, and my small pagoda shaped water fountain on yet another shelf..... I am working on manifesting this in the not to distant future.......I feel that I will do more Yoga and meditation in this space then..
Gotta go.................
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