Monday, October 16, 2006


That has been my main focus lately in my Mysore practice. A calm steady Ujjayi breathing with subtler focus on the bandhas. I am finding that really using tristana ( focus on asana, Pranayama including the bandhas, and drishti) takes me to a place where the practice seems to occur outside of normal time. Strange, I know, but when I am truly focussing, time seems to fly by, and 2 hrs seems like 15min. I tend to measure the practice more in sweat. Being a pitta, I usually create a puddle on my mat. It is not as bad as it used to be, but I know when the end of the practice is near because my mat is soaked and a little slippery. I always flip my mat over to the other side before doing urdva dhanurasana. That way if I do stand ups, and subsequent drop backs, I do not fear my hands slipping out from underneath me.

This mornings Mysore practice was good. My hamstrings were a little tighter than usual, but I attribute that to my uncharacteristic Sunday astanga practice. Not many mysorians this morning. The Older Daughter and I rolled in a little late. The British Director and The Other Dave were there already. NY Girl came in later, and that was it for Mysore this morning. Maybe the cooler weather had something to do with the low turnout. I spoke with Returning Guy on Saturday as he was coming out of a class, so I knew that he would be in LA this morning. He said that he should be back to practice on Wed. I dropped the Daughter off to the wife after Mysore practice, and headed back to the SOYS to participate in the Astanga Journey Workshop that Volleyball Guy has been running. Of note was the presence of the owner of SOYS. Volleyball Guy had me lead everyone through the warm ups to the end of janu sirsasana. Then he picked up the teaching of the marichasana section. The Journey ended at 9am. After some chat with familiar faces, I made my way home.

I am now sucking down my breakfast smoothie of OJ, oranges, bananas, blueberrys, coconut oil, and honey. I have just about the same breakfast every morning. I vary the ingredients a little, but a smoothie it is. Being a Vegan does somewhat limit your breakfast options. eggs and bacon are definately out, unless you consider Tofu scambler and soy bacon. Tofu scrambler is yucky, and I love soy bacon, but not for breakfast. Most pancakes and waffles are out because they are made with egg or some dairy product. Whole wheat or grain toast is ok, but not very nutritious or energizing. Most cereals have way to much sugar, or too many extraneous chemicals in them. The cereals that are good for you cost a small fortune. Fruit is always the best way to go, and I have come to enjoy my morning smooties.

The Daughters have decided that they would like to have a Holloween party this year, so we gave them a budget, and they have been starting to plan. I expect that it will be very much fun. We started decorating the house yesterday. Pics to come as I take them..........

Class to teach later this afternoon.

Positive thought..

"By amending our mistakes, we get wisdom.
By defending our faults, we betray an unsound mind."

The Sutra of Hui Neng


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