Sunday, October 15, 2006


Yesterday, I awoke early, taught my 10am class, and headed to pick up the older Daughter at the Phoenix studio of SOYS. Sanskrit Scholar informed me that at teacher training, which followed Astanga class, they would be going through first series Astanga. Perfect, I though, we would stay and do First series. The oldest Daughter never minds back to back practice. I figured, it would take 2 hrs and we would be home by 2pm. NOT. Volleyball Guy, who is the Instructor of Teacher Training at SOYS, started Chanting practice with the oldest Daughter leading the Sutras. That was cool. Astanga did not get started until after 2pm. Volleyball Guy had me lead the standing series. That was cool. I am always happy to do that. It was around 4pm when we finished. The older Daughter was getting ansy because she had a party to go to at 6pm. I whispered to her that we would go after finishing. It was at that point that Volleyball Guy informs the class that if they would like to work on inversions that I and the oldest Daughter would instruct them. The student also had the option to sit in the lobby with him while he regalled them with some of the colorful stories of ancient India. Needless to say, I always appreciate the opportunity to share with others knowlege which was so freely shared with me, so it was 5pm. before we left. A full day of Yoga. The Daughter got home in time to make it to her party, and I made it home in time to get ready for a Casino party that I had to Deal and be Pit Boss of. It was at a super cool house on the side of a mountain near the 51 and Northern. The Hosts were really cool, and remembered us from the same party, last year. They were generous, and there was a nice tip in it for all the dealers.

Usually, Sundays are my day of rest. I do no Yoga, or a Deep Stretch or Restorative class. This morning however, I told Sanskit Scholar that I wwould come to her Led First series atanga class at IV Yoga in Chandler. She asked me to Sub one of her upcoming classes there, and I thought it a good Idea to check out the class before I have to sub it.. So, on my usual day of rest, there I was, up early and on my way down to Chandler, about a 35 min ride..... I knew some of the Yoginis there. Quiet K from morning Mysore practice was there, as was one of the Yoginis that I had met at Sandskrit Scholars seminar in Gilbert. There was an interesting couple there that were visiting from NY. They had practiced with just about everyone of note in the Yoga world, and gave some great pointers during our workshopping section. Sandskrit Scholar invited them to our morning Mysore practice at the SOYS. Be interested to see if they come.

Now, I am relaxing, and the rest of my day will be spent reading and calming my body and mind.

I commented on one of Donutszenmoms posts, and now she is aware of my blog. I really don't care who reads my blogs. I try to keep them positive and not too incriminating. (LOL) I imagine that eventually all my Mysore buddies will find the Blog...... No biggie.... I don't think that any of it is admissible in a court of law.

Positive thought of the day:

" All religions are the same.
They all lead to God.
God is everybody...
the same blood flows through us all,
the arms,
the legs,
the heart,
all the same..
See no difference,
see all the same."

Neem Karoli Baba


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