Life Happens
So, yesterday, the oldest Daughter has a head cold and stays home. Wed. morning at 5:30am, I walk into Mysore practice, and who do I see. A girl that I used to practice with all the time back when Volleyball Guy used to hold practice at his house... With her, she had her new baby son, and significant other. Her baby son was very cute..... I always liked her. She was calm and soft spoken. She had dark hair and eyes. I think that she mentioned that she was part Native American. She had a Vatta body, very thin and limber, and I always admired the grace with which she did her asana practice. Anyway, there she was. I had not seen her for over a year. She gave me a warm embrace, and introduced her family. We talked briefly, and then across the room I went to begin my practice..All the regulars were there with the noted exception of NY Girl, and the other Dave. Even Crim Girl made an appearance. She is so amazing. I don't know if she has a secret practice at home, or in her "Crim Cave" somewhere, but no matter how long she is away from practice, she just glides through asana with ease....... There were two tourists across from me at the end of the room. Sanskrit scholar knew them, and helped them through the series. It was obvious that, while they were new to Astanga, they were not new to yoga... A new girl has been coming regularly to morning mysore. I have only spoken briefly to her. She has an advanced practice, and breezes though second series right up to Mayarasana (sp.) . She will need a name if she continues to show up at practice.
My hamstring and knee are on the mend, and I have been taking a few extra classes. I went to the 4pm led first series Astanga class. There, I practiced next to the owner of the Starbucks of Yoga Studios. (SOYS) Hereto to be abbreviated SOYS to save typing. Anyway, as I continue to try and get a class to teach at SOYS, I am always lobbying the owner for a class. I had one, but they discontinued it, and relegated me to Substitute status.... Anyway, I had an awesome practice, and Volleyball Guy is always quick to point out my strengths to the class and use me as a demonstrator for difficult asana and chanting. I appreciate that, especially when the owner of SOYS is there. After class, I raced home for a quick shower and change of clothes, and then off to teach my 7pm Yoga class at the health club. About 6 students, all women. One girl stood out. She was very flexi.
Came home exhausted, showered and went to bed.

Up at 6am this morning to teach my 6:30am class at the health club. 12 student, mixed. They are starting to get to know me there. It is a fun class and I make it challenging even though it is an all levels class. I usually spend 35 min of hard power type work, and then 15 min more stretching, floor work, and end with a 5 min Savasana. It is hard to do a lot of Yoga in only an hour.
Today, I am cleaning out the garage, and going to start on the flex room. The plan is to put all the stuff from the flex room in the garage, leaving my car out of the garage, and make the flex room a Yoga/ meditation room where I can teach private and small group classes..Hopefully to start in October......Progress is slow, and we own way too much crap.........I read in many of the simplify your life books that when peoples houses burn down and they lose all their stuff, at first there are feeling of saddness and loss, but then there are feelings of liberation. They were involuntarily liberated from their "Stuff". It is really hard to voluntarily liberate yourself from your "Stuff".
I will plod on after I am finished typing here. I am feeling very at peace with myself, and relaxed with where I am in life. I do need to make some more money, but I think that that is right around the corner...... I am thinking positively..... I will manifest some more $$$$$$$$$
Tonight a Power Yoga class.... It will be awesome.........
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