Life is Good
Life is good.......
I have been busy, as you may have surmised by my lack of posts. I am still rehabbing my left knee and hamstring, but feel that I have turned the corner, and am almost 100%. Yoga has been awesome. I picked up another 3 yoga Yoga classes to teach. 1 where I am already teaching, and 2 at a new place that Volleyball Guy referred me to. I also have a Martial Arts Studio interested in starting a Yoga program.

Mysore this morning was not as crowded as it has been. It was back to the core group, more or less. In additon to the oldest daughter and I, there was Returning Guy, Sanskrit Scholar, The British Director, NY girl, San Fran Gal, Donutszenmom, Quiet K, and M (until I get a better name for her.) Class was calm, and the energy was positive and flowing. Practice seemed to breeze by. The only interruptions were the occasional sounds of power tools coming from the construction being done on the other room of the SOYS.
Yesterday, our youngest daughter was invited by one of her friends to go to the Cheetah Girls concert. A big deal when you are seven I guess. The moms took the three girls that were going out for special outfits. They were very cute.
The wife remains upset that our pool is harboring a colony of algae. It is an interesting shade of green. I continue to calm her by promising to remedy the situation. I put pool shock in yesterday, and today will add some algaecide. It should take care of the problem. To calm her down, I took her to a Deep Stretch Yoga class yesterday evening. It was a class that I sub sometimes. There were many familiar faces there. Class was very passive and restorative. My Deep Strech classes are much more active and strenuous. It was relaxing though, and both the wife and I were very calm afterwards. We drove the convertable home with the top down. It was 7:30pm when we started home. The evening was perfect. I was chanting along with Krishna Das while the wife was relaxing and enjoying the evening air. Our 30 min drive home passed much too quickly. I felt like just driving all night. God forbid that we did not get home to see the season premier of Desperate Housewives (even though we had it being recorded on the DVR) I guess that you have to have your priorities right.
I am very centered lately, and feel grateful for my life and all the people in it. I am appreciative of the abundance which I enjoy, and the freedom to pursue my dreams. I continue to be in awe of how my life continues to unfold.
Life is Good.........